Make your vacation calculation online

The online vacation calculator is a tool that allows workers and employers to calculate the vacation value based on different factors, such as monthly salary, number of vacation days, number of dependents and average overtime per month, among others. With the calculator, it is possible to obtain an accurate estimate of the value of the vacation, according to the laws and labor regulations of each country.

Our calculator is available in Brazil, USA, Japan, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, India, Canada, Mexico, Spain and Korea. To start calculating just use the calculator below:

Each country has its own labor laws and regulations, so the formula for calculating the value of vacations may vary from country to country. That's why it's important to check the formulas and choose the correct country in the online vacation calculator to get an accurate estimate of vacation value.

vacation calculator

Provide the following data:

How is vacation calculated manually?

Below we will show how the calculation of vacations for each country is performed manually:

  • Brazil: (salary / 3) + (salary x (days / 360)) + (salary x 0.05 x dependents) + (salary / 180 x overtime);
  • U.S: (salary x weeks of vacation) / 52;
  • Portugal: (salary / 11) x vacation days;
  • Japan: (salary / 26) x vacation days;
  • Germany: salary / 12 x vacation days;
  • France: salary / 10.27 x vacation days;
  • UK: salary / 12.07 x vacation days;
  • Italy: salary / 13.97 x vacation days;
  • India: salary / 12 x vacation days;
  • Spain: salary / 12 x vacation days;
  • Mexico: salary x 0.25 x vacation days;
  • Canada: salary / 10 x vacation days;
  • South Korea: salary / 12 x vacation days + salary x 0.25 x vacation days;

About our Vacation Calculator

With the rise of technology, several tools are available to assist people in various everyday tasks, and one of them is the online vacation calculator. The tool is especially useful for people who are not familiar with the labor laws of their countries or who have difficulty manually calculating the value of vacations.

The main purpose of the online vacation calculator is to help people estimate the value of their vacation quickly and easily based on different factors. The tool is also useful for employers who want to calculate the value of their employees' vacations in accordance with labor legislation.

The online vacation calculator is especially useful for people who find it difficult to manually calculate the amount of vacation or who are not familiar with the labor laws of their countries. The tool is also useful for employers who need to calculate the value of their employees' vacations accurately and in accordance with labor legislation.

One of the main benefits of the online vacation calculator is the accuracy of the calculation. The tool uses country-specific formulas, which ensures that the estimated vacation value is as accurate as possible. Furthermore, the calculator is easy to use and time-saving for the user, who does not need to do manual calculations.

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