Online Character, Word, Line and Space Counter

If you need to count words, letters, lines, spaces, vowels, consonants, special characters and phrases in text, an online word counter from DigitalKW is an easy and effective way to do it.

A word counter is a tool that counts the number of words, characters, lines, spaces and other elements in a text. It can be useful for writers, students, and professionals who work with text and need to know the number of words and characters in a document.

Online Word Counter

To use the word counter, just paste the text below and follow the results right below the text, several different parameters are quoted, our tool is complete.

Words: 0
Letters: 0
Lines: 0
Spaces: 0
Vowels: 0
Consonants: 0
Special Characters: 0
Phrases: 0

How does the word counter in JavaScript work?

A JavaScript word counter works by listening for the text input event on an element. textarea on a webpage. Each time the user types or pastes text into the textarea, the word counter updates the corresponding counters to show the number of words, letters, lines, spaces, vowels, consonants, special characters and phrases in the text.

The JavaScript word counter is a powerful tool to count words, letters, lines, spaces, vowels, consonants, special characters and phrases in a text. With the functions included in the counter, you can get a more detailed view of a document's content and meet various character and sentence count requirements.

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Word Counter: What does it do?

The word counter is a tool that allows you to count the number of words, letters, lines, spaces, vowels, consonants, special characters and phrases in a text.


The word count function allows you to count the number of words in a text. This can be useful for writers, students, and professionals who need to know the number of words in a document.


The letter count function allows you to count the number of letters in a text, excluding white spaces. This can be useful for checking the word density of text or for ensuring that a document meets character count requirements.


The line count function allows you to count the number of lines in a text. This can be useful for ensuring that text fits the desired layout or for assessing the word density on a page.


The space count function allows you to count the number of white spaces in a text. This can be useful for checking the word density of text or for ensuring that a document meets character count requirements.

Vowels and consonants

The vowel and consonant count functions allow you to count the number of vowels and consonants in a text respectively. This can be useful for assessing the density of vowels and consonants in a text or for identifying linguistic patterns.

Special Characters

The count special characters function allows you to count the number of special characters in a text such as punctuation marks, accented characters and control characters. This can be useful for assessing the complexity of a text or for checking whether a document meets character count requirements.


The sentence count function allows you to count the number of sentences in a text. This can be useful for assessing text structure or for checking whether a document meets sentence count requirements.

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