Rice Purity Online – Take Your Purity Test

Rice Purity is a personal purity questionnaire or test that assesses the amount of sexual experiences and risky behavior a person has had in their lifetime. The test is made up of a series of questions, with each one assigning points depending on the answer, and the sum of these points determines a person's final purity score. The score can range from 0 (least pure) to 100 (most pure).

While the test has become popular among college students in the United States as a way of measuring their "purity" or lack of sexual experience, many people have criticized the test as being moralistic and potentially harmful, as it can reinforce harmful gender stereotypes and sexuality. It is important to remember that test scores should not be used to judge or label people based on their sexual experiences or past behavior.

Online Purity Test

Answer the questions below, if you've done any of the things below, just mark it as done, then click the button to find out your score. The lower the number the less pure you are!

Honestly answer the following questions:

Your Rice Purity score is:

About the Rice Purity Score

The Rice Purity test score is calculated based on the amount of sexual and risky behavior a person has engaged in in their lifetime. Each question has an associated score, which is added together to arrive at the final score.

The maximum score is 55, and the minimum score is 0. The higher the score, the more sexual experiences and risky behaviors the person has had. Score is often interpreted as a measure of a person's "purity", with higher scores being seen as less pure and lower scores being seen as more pure.

However, it is important to remember that the score is not an accurate measure of a person's purity or morality. Sexual choices and risky behaviors can be personally meaningful and important to some people, while others may choose a more conservative sex life. The Rice Purity test should be viewed as an exercise in self-reflection rather than a moral judgment call.

Interpreting the Rice Purity Test Result

Of course, here's a list of average scores and what they generally indicate in terms of "purity" on the Rice Purity test:

  • 100-98: Very pure, with little or no sexual experience or risky behavior.
  • 97-94: Pure, with little sexual experience or risky behavior.
  • 93-77: Moderately pure, with some sexual experiences and risky behavior.
  • 76-45: Unclean, with various sexual experiences and risky behavior.
  • 44-0: Very impure, with many sexual experiences and risky behaviors.

How many points of Impurity is each question worth?

Here is a list of the impurity scores associated with each question on the Rice Purity Test:

  • Have you ever kissed someone? – 1 point
  • Have you ever given or received oral sex? – 2 points
  • Have you ever had sex (vaginal or anal penetration)? – 5 points
  • Have you ever had sex with three or more people? – 10 points
  • Have you ever had sex with someone of the same sex? – 5 points
  • Have you ever masturbated? – 1 point
  • Ever watched pornography? – 1 point
  • Have you ever had sex with someone without using protection? – 5 points
  • Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating? – 5 points
  • Have you ever been naked in public? – 2 points
  • Have you ever drunk yourself drunk? – 1 point
  • Have you ever used illegal drugs? – 5 points
  • Have you ever driven after drinking or using drugs? – 10 points
  • Have you ever stolen something? – 5 points
  • Have you ever been involved in a physical fight? – 5 points
  • Have you ever been arrested or detained by the police? – 10 points
  • Have you ever cheated on a partner? – 10 points
  • Have you ever lied to a partner about something important? – 5 points
  • Have you ever used someone else's name to do something illegal or immoral? – 10 points
  • Have you ever regretted any of your sexual choices? – 2 points

Keep in mind that this list is a general reference only and that actual test scores may vary depending on how each person answers the questions.

Extermination of Evil Shoki

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