Online hours worked and salary calculator

If you are an employee, entrepreneur, freelancer or self-employed, you probably need to track the hours you work to know how much time you are investing in each project and how much you will be paid for your work. However, it is not always easy to calculate these hours manually, especially when there are breaks or different hourly wages.

To facilitate this process, we created the Hours Worked Calculator. This tool allows you to quickly calculate the total hours worked, the amount to be paid to the worker, the total hours worked in the month and the estimated monthly earnings.

Hours Worked Calculator

To use the calculator, simply fill in the following fields:

  • Start time: the time you started working;
  • End time: the time you finished working;
  • Break: the break time you took during work;
  • Hourly wage: the amount you receive per hour worked;
  • Days worked in month: The number of days you work in the month.

Then just click on the “Calculate” button to get the results.


  • XX hours
  • XX $
  • XX hours
  • XX $

Why use the Hours Worked and Salary Calculator?

The Hours Worked Calculator performs accurate and fast calculations, avoiding calculation errors and saving time. With it, you can have a clear view of the time you invest in each project and the value you will receive for it.

In addition, the tool allows you to estimate your monthly earnings, which can be useful for planning your finances and investments.

In summary, the Hours Worked Calculator is a useful and practical tool for anyone working as a freelancer or self-employed and needs to control the hours worked and the amount to be paid. Try it right now and simplify your financial control!

How to calculate hours worked manually?

It is possible to manually calculate the total hours worked and the amount to be paid to the worker by following these steps:

  1. Write down the job start time and the job end time;
  2. Calculate the time worked in hours by subtracting the start time from the end time. For example, if you started work at 9am and finished at 5pm, you've worked 8 hours;
  3. Discount the break time you took during work. For example, if you took a 1 hour break, the time worked will be 7 hours;
  4. Multiply time worked by hourly wages to get the amount to be paid to the worker.

However, this form of calculation can become complicated when there are time gaps or different hourly wages. Therefore, the Hours Worked Calculator is a useful tool to perform accurate and quick calculations.

The Results of the Hours Worked and Salary Calculator

By filling in the calculator's fields, which include start time, end time, break, hourly wage, and days worked in the month, the tool performs accurate calculations to provide the following results:

  • Total hours worked: this is the amount of hours that the worker has invested in a specific project or job, considering the start time, end time and break;
  • Amount to be paid to the worker: this is the amount that the worker must receive for the work performed, considering the total hours worked and the remuneration per hour;
  • Total hours worked in the month: this is the number of hours worked in a month, considering the number of days worked and the total hours worked per day;
  • Estimated monthly earnings: This is the amount that the worker can expect to earn in a month, considering the total hours worked in the month and hourly wages.

These results are displayed in the results area of the calculator, allowing the worker to have a clear view of the time he has invested in a job and the value he will receive for it.

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