Calculate the advance amount of the financing installment Online

Use our simple and free loan installment anticipation calculator now, which allows you to enter some basic information about your loan and see how much you can save by anticipating installments.

If you have a loan, it may be advantageous to pay some installments in advance. This can help save money, since the financing interest is calculated on the outstanding balance, and by anticipating installments, you reduce this balance and, consequently, the interest to be paid. To help with this calculation, a financing installment anticipation calculator can be very useful.

The financing installment anticipation calculator that we present is a simple and easy-to-use tool. It includes fields for the total amount of the loan, the interest rate in percentage, the number of installments, and the number of installments you want to anticipate. By clicking on the calculation button, the calculator displays the total amount of interest, the amount of interest up to the current installment, the remaining amount to be paid after the current installment, the advance amount and the total savings you can get by anticipating the parcel.

The interest rate entered in the calculator is an annual rate, but the interest calculation is done monthly, and this is taken into account in the calculation of the prepayment. The prepayment amount is calculated based on the remaining amount to be paid after the installment you want to prepay and the interest that would be charged during this period. The total savings is calculated based on the difference between the total amount to be paid on financing without the advance and the total amount to be paid on the financing after the advance.

Financing Advance Calculator

How does our financing calculator work?

See below what each field of our calculator represents:

Total financing amount: this field represents the total amount of the loan you took out, that is, the amount you are paying in installments over time.

Interest rate in percentage: this field represents the interest rate being applied to your loan. This fee is charged on the total amount of the loan and represents the “cost” of the money you are borrowing.

Number of installments: this field represents the number of installments into which your financing has been divided. For example, if you took a loan of R$ 10,000.00 and divided it into 12 installments, the value of each installment would be R$ 833.33.

Number of the installment you want to anticipate: this field represents the installment number you wish to anticipate. For example, if you are in the third month of a 12-month loan and want to anticipate the fourth month installment, you must enter “4” in this field.

Total amount of interest: this field represents the total amount of interest you will pay throughout the financing. This amount is calculated based on the total amount of the loan and the informed interest rate.

Interest amount up to the current installment: this field represents the amount of interest you have already paid up to the installment you wish to anticipate. For example, if you are in the third month of a 12-month loan and want to anticipate the fourth month's installment, this field will show the amount of interest you paid up to the third month.

Remaining amount to be paid after the current installment: this field represents the amount that still needs to be paid after the installment you want to anticipate. For example, if you are in the third month of a 12-month loan and want to anticipate the fourth month's installment, this field will show the remaining amount to be paid from the fourth month until the end of the loan.

Advance value: this field represents the amount you will save by anticipating the desired installment. This amount is calculated based on the remaining amount to be paid after the installment you want to anticipate and the interest that would be charged during this period.

Total savings: this field represents the total amount you will save by anticipating the desired installment. This amount is calculated based on the difference between the total amount to be paid on financing without the prepayment and the total amount to be paid on the financing after the prepayment. In other words, this field shows how much you will save by paying less interest and installments in advance.

Calculation Example

Below is an example of how to use the loan installment anticipation calculator:

Suppose you have a loan of R$ 10,000.00, with an annual interest rate of 12% and 12 monthly installments of R$ 926.55. If you wish to anticipate the installment of the fourth month, enter R$ 10,000.00 in the field “Total financing amount”, 12 in the field “Number of installments”, 12% in the field “Interest rate in percentage” and 4 in the field “Number of installments”. portion you wish to anticipate”. Then click on the “Calculate advance” button.

The calculator will display the total interest amount as R$ 1,111.57, the interest amount up to the current installment as R$ 277.89, the remaining amount to be paid after the current installment as R$ 6,866.53, the advance amount as R$ 199.56 and the total savings as R$ 430.12. That is, by anticipating the

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